

Website Placement: become the first in search engines!

Let’s talk about placement:

Once you’ve built the website and looked after every graphic design aspect, you will think that you have completed your task. In fact, you will be quite disappointed! This is just the beginning of a lot of work-related to website placement so that your site is made visible to users on search engines.

How does this happen?

First, try to answer these three simple questions:

  1. Is the site rich in information?

  2. Does my website contain any inbound links?

  3. Does every single page provide content to my visitors?

If one of these answers is negative, we recommend reading one of our site optimization articles. Otherwise, we invite you to follow the various “tips” we will provide you below.

Website Placement: Get started on Google!

SEO site positioning is definitely the ideal and free solution to get a great ranking of your site. But, as you will know, you will have to submit to these “laws” to appear among the first Google results, pending the exclusion!

  • Golden Rule, make every single page of your website qualitatively effective.

  • Avoid flooding your site with unnecessary keywords and links: their overabundance combined with unmanageable pages will be penalized by the search engine rankings.

  • Always update information on your site and blog pages: it is a source of interest to users through challenging content.

  • Links, also called link popularity, are considered a fundamental tool. In fact, the more your site will be linked by other users, the higher the chances of being “rewarded” by the search engine! Of course, remember to always have links that are relevant and authoritative.

  • Social media, nowadays, all go through social channels. It has been shown that social media conditions your placement in a non-indifferent way. Build your presence on social media, share engaging and creative content for your audience.

Below is a list of free SEO tools that are useful for website placement. You will be able to verify your SEO’s “state of health” as well as links and social media.

Link Analysis

Ahrefs Site Explorer

This site analyzes the entire link overview and the number of domains, including their subdivisions. In the free version, your account will have access to the first 500 backlinks.

SEO SiteCheckUp

Very interesting site for services that website ranking also offers in free version, analyzes your backlink, competitors, website speed, existence and effectiveness of keywords, meta tags, title 1 or 2 and robots. Optimization is given to each result window.

Majestic SEO Site Explorer

In this tool, you can decide whether to log in with an account or look at your site at the surface level (URL, backlink, IP addresses, and Anchor text).

SERP and SEO Monitoring:

SERP Checker:

A free tool that allows you to track your domain and competitor’s while also analyzing the keywords of your website. In case you want to register, you get 20 domains and 500 keywords.


Like other sites, this tool lets you enter your URL and keyword, giving you results across different search engines (not just Google).

Google Search Console:

Additional Analytics tool provides site performance news such as indexing, tag title, meta description, and SEO tips.


A tool that has multiple pay-per-click settings, but still provides trusted information in the free version. Analyze keywords, traffic to your site, and related campaigns (SEO and SEM) even on social networks.

Social Media + SEO:


BrandMentions is a social listening tool designed to track any keywords you want and engage in online conversations in real-time. It is a great tool that helps you monitor the online presence of your brand online and understand the behavior of your audience so you can generate a better content strategy. Its purpose is to detect all the web mentions that your brand or your competitors’ have in a given period of time. Complementarily, you can also track topics or trends to find out the most competitive areas in your niche. Following the information you find there, you can shape a strategy according to the latest trends.

BrandMentions monitors the web and social media for direct mentions of your business and has lots of other advantages that make it unique.


Monitor all activities related to your brand and social media in real-time. It also analyzes competitors (including the major influencers using certain keywords) and the performance of your site.


Free service when you enter your URL and it releases the major metrics from major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest).


Fundamental to social media monitoring and content analysis.

Finally, we always remind you how important it is to turn to a qualified SEO agency if you want more information from a look at our SEO Optimization service and do not forget to share it with social! ?